In a creative life, everything thrives. By nurturing this side of yourself, things align to provide you with everything you need in any given moment, because you make it so–this includes your health and well-being, happiness, and self-care. Being comfortable with self-expression shows a deep and profound trust in your self and abilities, creating in the face of fear, being vulnerable in the presence of that desire to cover up and hide. As you get more and more comfortable with sharing your self creatively—expressing who you are—you attract people and situations that are on the same wavelength. Be aware of what makes you thrive, share what makes you thrive, and be inspired by things that come your way in the process.
You’ll find yourself supported in all you do, and the direction you’re meant to go (forward!) becomes clear. Things start showing up, including the space and time you need to get things done. You will always have questions and mysteries propelling you to new heights.
At every turn, in every situation, we have opportunities for creativity, and ways to express our passion and imagination. Whether it’s finding an interesting thing to say to the person at the coffee shop, writing a letter to a loved one, wrapping a birthday present, or preparing a delicious and beautiful meal, every situation can be transformed into a creative affair. Also, stay open minded—you never know when inspiration will hit. Sometimes a frustrating situation can spark a great idea.

Part of being committed to something or someone requires making it/them a priority in my life. I make time to spend with people I hold dear, and that includes myself. Carving studio time into the day takes effort. It can be the kind of thing where instead of watching TV or a movie, I choose to spend that time journaling or working on a visual project. There’s nothing wrong with TV/internet/movies/video games, as long as they’re done in moderation. Personally, I prefer to read. Reading stokes my imagination and visualization skills.
I’m very particular about how I choose to spend my time, because time is so precious. I spend it on things and people that help me feel fulfilled and inspired, and take the time to care for my body. Once I started existing in that space of health, inspiration and making more often than not, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Things started to line up in my life to facilitate productivity, and while I do distract myself once in awhile (we all need that from time to time), I’m more aware of how much time is spent in a distracted state. Being present is the key to great things!